Amnesia's story begins in the distant 2009, with no idea of what would happen after this first party with only about 100 people there. So much has changed since then. Enjoy them!
2 days of unstoppable electronic music in the heart of summer Enjoy the aftermovie.
More than 800 people gave their own vibes to an unforgettable night.
2018 was the beginning of a new era. The Amnesia team grew and the goal of getting the best possible result was achieved as it was a non-existent party.
Diving in 2017 and already 8 years since the first Amnesia.
Going into 2016, magical things happened that year.
Amnesia 2015 brought complete mindset changes to the party location, the lights, the sound and the vibes.
Under the stars was probably the first party that made us all understand what would follow. In the distant 2014 happened one of the most important and full of surprises party.
Amnesia's story may have started in 2009 , but the first party that was a hit was in 2013.